One Simple Truth to Feeling More Confident.

Confidence comes from not always being right, but from not fearing being wrong.
— Elanor Roosevelt

Confident people stand out in our minds when we meet them. They have that magical attribute called charisma. You know what I mean because you are probably picturing someone in your mind as you read this. Perhaps, you might even picture yourself.

It’s been proven over and over again that confidence and success have a positive correlation. So I guess the logic here is that in order to be more successful you must also become more confident. The question then becomes, how do I allow myself to appear confident?

You might find this a silly question but for a moment just think on it. Self doubt and hesitation have potential to exist for each and every one of us and at the end of the day they are just dead weight!

In my experience confidence has only been gained through practice. Yes, practice!! Fake it til you make it my friends, that’s how you trick your brain into believing something. You act as if you already have it. You live as if you already are. You create those feelings and new neural pathways on purpose. That’s intent!

Stand in front of a mirror and practice what you want to say, or say it out loud while you’re driving home after work. Look at yourself in a mirror and stand up tall. Tell yourself “I’ve got this!” and then go out and do the thing!

Wherever you are on your confidence and self love journey, a boudoir photography or intimate portrait session will undoubtedly leave you glowing. Once you see yourself on fire like this you will always have the images to remind you just how incredible, strong, and confident you are!

And don’t worry - I am here to guide you the whole way through posing, but I promise you that by the time we are finished you will have come so alive that I will be the one having to keep up!

Be who you are, and shine as bright as you can. The world needs YOU!


Me, The Introvert


Why Time Flies By and How Documentary Family Photography Can Help You Make the Most of It.